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Consultancy services

Resilience assessments 

Continued monitoring

Building coral reef resilience is a key strategy to help coral reefs cope with climate change. Assessing / monitoring carefully chosen reef resilience indicators and stress factors provides critical information to help managers identify sites where coral communities are likely to be more resilient to climate change and other stressors. The data also provides an understanding of which stressors are reducing resilience in order to prioritise management actions to reduce these stressors and their impacts.


Reef Guru will understand your conservation concerns and design a resilience assessment to provide robust data to support a strategic management action plan.



Whereas resilience assessments give a snapshot in time view of the health of a reef system, continued monitoring allows for the identification of changes over time. This means early identification of a downward trend in health allowing for management intervention.


Reef Guru will conduct regular monitoring of your reef system, fully analyse and interpret the data to provide best management strategies.

Conservation areas

Conservation areas, in their many forms, require considerable resources to maintain and manage. It is extremely important that the site to be designated a conservation area is carefully selected to maximise these resources and ensure success.


Reef Guru will extensively survey, assess, and rank local sites using carefully selected environmental variables and anthropogenic factors and, taking into consideration the aims and intended uses of the proposed conservation area, will produce a full report to advise on the most appropriate location.


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