Coral Reef Eco Training & Consulting
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Use of anchors over time can cause significant damage to the substrate whch is undesirable, particularly in delicate ecosystems such as coral reefs and sea grass beds. Reef Guru will design, build, and deploy mooring buoys at the sites most regularly visited by dive and snorkel boats to reduce damageand boost local conservation efforts.
Megafauna ID projects
Megafauna are the large, charismatic animals that inhabit the pelagic and fringing reef zones in our oceans, such as manta rays and whale sharks. As long-lived, late-maturing, low-fecund animals they are particularly at risk to anthropogenic impacts such as unsustainable harvesting and ghost fishing / entanglement. It is therefore important that scientists research the population demographics and range of these animals; one method of collecting this data is through identification photographs and dive facilities are perfectly situated to do this.
With a background in megafauna research, the Reef Guru team can expertly provide full training in the collection of important data. Not only can this data then be utilised by Reef Guru scientists to improve our understanding of the conservation biology of marine megafauna, but it also allows dive facilities to offer a unique and fulfilling diving experience to their guests.
Creation of educational materials
People conserve what they love and they love what they know. Education is the key to conservation and conservation is a global effort. Coral reefs are impacted and degraded by many factors such as global warming, ocean acidification, overfishing and pollution, all of which are fed by the activities of humans from the coast to the middle of a continental land mass. If you want your reef to be healthy, it is going to require a team effort from the global population. Luckily, dive facilities are perfect outreach centres with their constant flow of humans from a highly varied demographic.
Reef Guru can create and provide educational materials for your dive facility to utilise to ensure that everyone who visits your facility is on the same path as you: reef conservaton.
Habitat mapping
Conservation area, dive site, nature tour area.... you need a map! Habitat maps show important information such as boundary lines, substrate/habitat type, tide marks and water depths. They are vital tools in the declaration and promotion of conservation areas, in local outreach, or just as a reference map for resort and dive guests.
Reef Guru will survey & map your chosen habitat and create copies in varied mulitmedia to suit your needs.
Installation of mooring buoys